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Joint statement by parliamentary party chairs and Blue Reform on 6.7.2017

Government Communications Department
Publication date 6.9.2017 18.07 | Published in English on 7.9.2017 at 10.04
Press release 387/2017

We have had a constructive discussion and have consequently updated our situation awareness of internal security and concerns of citizens.

We appeal to the Finnish people and ask them to hold to facts and keep the discussion civil and respectful. Blame must not be placed on innocent people.

We have trust and confidence in the Finnish rule of law and the actions of authorities. We are committed to constantly improving them.

We strongly condemn terrorism in all its forms and violence of any kind. We also strongly condemn hate speech.

We, in the capacity of representatives of our parties, pledge to build a safer and more united Finland and to discuss these efforts regularly together.

Juha Sipilä, Prime Minister, Chair of the Centre Party

Petteri Orpo, Chair of the National Coalition Party

Sampo Terho, Chair of the Blue Reform association

Antti Rinne, Chair of the Social Democratic Party

Laura Huhtasaari, Deputy Chair of the Finns Party

Touko Aalto, Chair of the Greens in Finland

Li Andersson, Chair of the Left Alliance

Anna-Maja Henriksson, Chair of the Swedish People's Party

Sari Essayah, Chair of the Christian Democrats in Finland

Juha Sipilä Petteri Orpo Sampo Terho