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Prime Minister Muscat of Malta and Foreign Minister Vella to visit Finland

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 7.7.2016 15.23
Press release 306/2016

Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of Malta will meet in Helsinki on Wednesday 13 July. Malta's Minister for Foreign Affairs George Vella will also be travelling in Prime Minister Muscat's delegation to Finland.

Prime Ministers Sipilä and Muscat will be discussing bilateral questions and a number of topical EU matters, such as the United Kingdom's post-referendum situation and Malta's forthcoming EU Presidency between January and July 2017. They will also talk about topical issues related to migration, economic growth, the Single Market and common foreign and security policy.

During their stay, Prime Minister Muscat and Foreign Minister Vella will also meet Timo Soini, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Kai Mykkänen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development at the SuomiAreena political discussion forum in Pori. Prime Minister Muscat and Minister Soini will be taking part in the discussion about the future of Europe.

Inquiries about the meeting with Prime Minister Sipilä in Helsinki: Jari Haapiainen, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister (EU-affairs), tel. +358 295 160 406 and Olli Haapa-aho, Head of Communications, tel. +358 40 547 6274, Prime Minister's Office

Inquiries about the meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs Soini and programme in Pori: Riikka Taivassalo, Special Adviser to the Foreign Minister, tel. +358 295 351 960 and Tanja Leikas-Bottà, Team Leader for the Unit for Central, Western and Southern Europe of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. +358 50 590 7730, Ministry for Foreign Affairs