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Minister Terho to attend General Affairs Council

Government Communications Department
Publication date 17.9.2018 9.06 | Published in English on 17.9.2018 at 11.04
Press release 415/2018

Minister for European Affairs, Culture and Sport Sampo Terho will represent Finland at the meeting of the EU General Affairs Council in Brussels on Tuesday 18 September. The agenda highlight is a policy debate on the priorities of the Commission's proposal for the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021–2027. The ministers will also exchange views on the Commission's letter of intent concerning its draft work programme for 2019 and continue hearing Poland on the rule of law situation in the country. At the beginning of the meeting, the Austrian Presidency will present its priorities to the ministers.

Finland considers the political priorities outlined by the Commission in its proposal for the financial framework (2021–2027) to be appropriate. Especially the new priorities, such as strengthening defence cooperation and responding to migration, are important EU-level priorities that have clear European added value. Furthermore, Finland considers that additional investments in research and innovation activities at EU level are important. Finland's position is that the overall level of the financial framework should be set as close to the current collective GNI level of the EU Member States as possible. Britain's exit from the EU should be taken into account in the overall financial framework level in full. It is important to find a level that does not make our payment burden unreasonably heavy but enables the implementation of the key priorities and secures our most significant receipts. 

The Commission's letter of intent concerning the year 2019 focuses on the efficient processing of the proposals already made. Finland lays special emphasis on the promotion of the single market and free trade, strengthening of security – especially defence cooperation and countering hybrid threats – and a comprehensive approach to the management of migration flows.

The Council will also hold a hearing under Article 7(1) TEU on the rule of law in Poland. In Finland's view, it is of key importance that the hearing provides the Council with a solid foundation to assess the situation and to deliberate what is the appropriate way to move forward. Finland will adopt its position concerning the next step based on the hearing.

In addition, the Council will examine the draft agenda for the European Council meeting to be held in October 2018. The themes of the meeting will be migration, internal security and external relations. In EU27 format, the Council will also receive the Commission's update on the Brexit negotiations with the United Kingdom.

Inquiries: Heli Siivola, Senior Specialist for EU Affairs, tel. +358 295 160 476, Prime Minister’s Office