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Prime Minister Marin meets with Federal Chancellor Merkel in Berlin

Government Communications Department
Publication date 27.10.2021 13.53 | Published in English on 27.10.2021 at 17.01
Press release
Pääministeri Sanna Marin ja liittokansleri Angela Merkel kävelevät pois kokoushuoneesta.

Prime Minister Sanna Marin and Germany’s outgoing Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel met for a farewell visit on Wednesday 27 October in Berlin.

In their discussions, Prime Minister Marin and Federal Chancellor Merkel highlighted how bilateral relations between the two countries have become even closer during Merkel’s term as Chancellor and how Finland and Germany today are largely like-minded when it comes to important issues in EU policy and on the international agenda. 
Prime Minister Marin and Chancellor Merkel exchanged views about key issues on the European Union’s agenda, such as the situation in Poland, strengthening the rule of law in Europe, responding to the pandemic and improving vaccine coverage, fiscal policy rules, and competitiveness. Their discussion also emphasised the importance of unity in the EU. Prime Minister Marin and Chancellor Merkel discussed relations with Turkey on the one hand, and with Russia and China on the other. They also addressed the European Union’s greater strategic autonomy, its functioning capacity and ways to safeguard European competence and competitiveness in the changing international operating environment. 

On Tuesday 26 October, Prime Minister Marin met with acting Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who is leading the German government coalition talks currently under way. They discussed the current political situation and topical EU matters, such as climate and energy policy.
While in Berlin, Prime Minister Marin also met with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and attended the World Health Summit organised by WHO. The Prime Minister’s opening keynote speech at the summit’s closing session focused on the economy of wellbeing.  
Inquiries: Lauri Voionmaa, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister (International Affairs), tel. +358 295 160 306 and Päivi Paasikoski, Director of Government Communications, tel. +358 295 160 136, Prime Minister’s Office