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Ministry of the Interior takes part in World Village Festival on 27–28 May 2017

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 24.5.2017 16.16
Press release 53/2017

The Administration Committee of Parliament and the Ministry of the Interior will have a joint stand at the World Village Festival, which takes place in Kaisaniemi Park and Railway Square in Helsinki.

At the stand, festival visitors can ask questions about everyday security and changes in the security environment, find information about the work of the parliamentary committees, and meet Members of Parliament and experts from the Ministry of the Interior. The stand will be at Railway Square, in front of the railway station.

The Ministry of the Interior will also take part in the official programme of the festival and will organise a panel discussion on Mekong Stage on Saturday at 13.10–14.10. The theme of the discussion is Finland’s internal security in the ever-changing and increasingly complex national and international security environment. The panellists will be: Minister of the Interior Paula Risikko and members of the Administration Committee, Members of Parliament Mikko Kärnä (Centre Party) and Mika Kari (Social Democratic Party) and an MP from the Finns Party. Arto Nyberg will host the discussion.

The World Village Festival is a free cultural festival organised annually by Kepa, an umbrella organisation for development cooperation organisations. The festival is also an exhibition event for civil society organisations, and it presents cuisines from around the world and provides an arena for discussing topical issues. The theme of the 2017 festival is civil society and the regional focus is on Latin America. The programme includes music, dance, theatre, art, discussions, literature, delicious food and a range of activities. The festival offers new perspectives on tolerant multiculturalism, development cooperation, sustainable development and global issues. The festival has been organised since 1995 and it is one of the biggest festivals in our country with approximately 80,000 visitors every year.

Read more about World Village Festival


Noora Vahervaara, Communications Unit of the Ministry of the Interior, [email protected], tel. +358 50 352 9373.