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Government increases maximum amount of business development aid available for investments

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 8.7.2022 12.20
Press release

The Government has confirmed the maximum amount of support for investments that can be granted to companies as business development aid based on the EU regional state aid guidelines. Finland has been divided into three support areas. ELY Centres can grant business development aid to small, medium-sized and large companies based on the maximum amount of support available in the company’s area. The support levels will enter into force on 11 July 2022.

On 16 June 2022, the Government approved the support areas I and II, where the maximum amount of investment aid granted to companies is higher than in the rest of the country (which falls into support area III). With this, the Government aims to allocate aid particularly to areas where the economic situation is disadvantaged either nationally or relative to the Union as a whole. The goal is to even out the differences in regional development and to support the positive development of the selected regions.

The maximum aid percentages in support areas I and II are five percentage points higher than in the previous programming period of the EU’s regional and structural policy in 2014‒2021.

Municipalities in support areas I and II

The amount of business development aid granted to companies for investments is no more than the percentage share of the costs for which aid has been applied for, as in table below:  

   Support area I   Support area II  Support area III
 Small enterprise  40 %  35 %  20 %
 Medium-sized   enterprise  30 %  25 %  10 %
 Large enterprise  20 %  15 %  - 

Business development aid is a form of discretionary support granted by ELY Centres primarily for small and medium-sized enterprises. ELY Centres may grant business development aid for development and investment projects related to business development, innovation activities and growth or internationalisation.

Emmi Äijälä, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 216

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