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Prime Minister Sipilä met German Federal Chancellor and Finance Minister

Government Communications Department
Publication date 22.9.2015 16.49
Press release 496/2015

The European migration crisis was the main topic of the meeting between Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and the German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on 22 September.

- The situation has become dramatic as the EU is not acting fast enough. The EU countries must immediately implement the decisions and agreements that we have earlier made. I hope that the EU heads of state or government will make this commitment tomorrow in Brussels, Sipilä said.

- The crisis is affecting the whole Europe and we must find a European solution to the situation. Germany has set a good example and showed both solidarity and responsibility, Prime Minister Sipilä said.

Sipilä emphasised that illegal migration flows must be brought under control as soon as possible. Camps should be established near the crisis regions so that the people in need could wait for their asylum decisions under humane conditions. At the moment, people smugglers are exploiting those in danger and too many in need of help are risking their lives in trying to reach safety.

- It is important that the home affairs ministers reach agreement on burden sharing in Brussels today. Finland is ready to bear its share of the responsibility, Prime Minister Sipilä said.

During their meeting, Prime Minister Sipilä and Federal Chancellor Merkel also discussed economic and employment issues, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, and security issues.

The discussions between Prime Minister Sipilä and Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble focused on EMU, Greece, and national economic and employment policy reforms.

Prime Minister Sipilä's visit to Berlin also included meetings with German economic policy experts.

Inquiries: Jari Haapiainen, Special Adviser (EU Affairs), tel. +358 295 160 406 and Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 0733, Prime Minister's Office