Season's Greetings & Happy New Year!
23.12.2019 13.40 News itemNegotiations on the accession of EU to the European Convention on Human Rights to be started - Finland paved the way for this
23.12.2019 9.02 News itemBusiness with Impact programme closes with review of results
20.12.2019 11.09 News itemChanges affecting the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment’s administrative branch from 2020
20.12.2019 10.01 News itemThe Environment Council conclusions: need for urgent measures to protect and restore biodiversity
19.12.2019 14.54 News itemHybrid threats, the Arctic and Africa on foreign and security policy agenda of Finland’s Presidency
19.12.2019 12.30 News itemCouncil of the EU and European Parliament reach political agreement on classification of sustainable investments
18.12.2019 12.37 News itemFinland’s diplomatic missions highlight climate issues in host countries
18.12.2019 10.03 News itemRitva Reinikka appointed Professor of Practice in development economics
18.12.2019 9.10 News itemFinland passes the gavel of RegWatchEurope to Germany
16.12.2019 15.27 News itemAmbassador Marja Lehto promotes environmental protection in armed conflicts at the UN
16.12.2019 11.13 News itemNew guidelines on humanitarian assistance to strengthen Finland’s support to crisis areas
13.12.2019 9.00 News itemMinisters appointed to Ministry of Justice
10.12.2019 15.47 News itemTimo Harakka appointed Minister of Transport and Communications
10.12.2019 15.39 News itemTAIEX: Cooperation and development of skills
10.12.2019 12.47 News itemDeclaration to join forces to boost sustainable digital transformation was kicked-off
10.12.2019 10.47 News itemFinland reopened its Embassy in Baghdad
10.12.2019 10.17 News itemFinland will join the system for electronic exchange of social security information in the EU/EEA area
9.12.2019 11.45 News itemNetwork of nature reserves in Barents region gains two new sites in Northwest Russia
5.12.2019 7.06 News itemFinland proposes an EU Agenda for Action on Business and Human Rights
2.12.2019 18.03 News item
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