Government press releases
The ministries communicate openly about the preparation of matters, the decision-making process and the effects of decisions. The Government and its ministries usually communicate about important issues at least through a press release. Press releases from all ministries are available on the Government website. You can also subscribe to receive them by email.
Fewer people were tested for coronavirus during Christmas week – Number of reported cases fell
30.12.2020 20.07 Press releaseLocal government pilots on employment combine state and municipal resources to boost employment – Pilots to start in March 2021
30.12.2020 14.57 Press releaseAct on Electronic Communications Services enters into force on 1 January 2021
30.12.2020 14.14 Press releaseAct on Electronic Communications Services enters into force on 1 January 2021
30.12.2020 14.14 Press releaseAct on Broadband Construction Aid enters into force
30.12.2020 14.06 Press releaseAct on Broadband Construction Aid enters into force
30.12.2020 14.06 Press releaseAmendments to the Act on Transport Services and the Rail Transport Act enter into force on 1 January
30.12.2020 14.01 Press releaseAmendments to the Act on Transport Services and the Rail Transport Act enter into force on 1 January
30.12.2020 14.01 Press releaseEuropean Border and Coast Guard standing corps to begin activities on 1 January
30.12.2020 13.44 Press releaseRegional transport subsidy to continue in 2020–2022
30.12.2020 13.40 Press releaseTemporary amendments to business development aid to continue until 30 June 2021
30.12.2020 13.34 Press releaseAct on conflict minerals to promote transparency of supply chains and responsible procurement
30.12.2020 13.24 Press releaseKoronavilkku mobile app to be made interoperable with EU/EEA apps
30.12.2020 13.19 Press releaseDefence Forces to procure life cycle support services for systems
30.12.2020 10.13 Press releaseFinland applies for EU aid to help re-employment of workers made redundant by Finnair
30.12.2020 9.23 Press releaseMinisterial Committee on EU Affairs: EU–UK agreements must be signed this year
28.12.2020 13.25 Press releaseGrowth rate of new COVID-19 cases has slowed down, but the situation remains serious
23.12.2020 15.46 Press releaseMinistries review nationwide recommendation to work remotely – grounds for keeping recommendation in force still strong
23.12.2020 15.10 Press releaseMinistry of Social Affairs and Health updates the action plan to manage COVID-19
22.12.2020 15.24 Press releaseRapporteur seeks ways to restart aviation sector after coronavirus pandemic
22.12.2020 15.10 Press release
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