Government press releases
The ministries communicate openly about the preparation of matters, the decision-making process and the effects of decisions. The Government and its ministries usually communicate about important issues at least through a press release. Press releases from all ministries are available on the Government website. You can also subscribe to receive them by email.
Pirjo Honkasalo nominated Arts Academician
8.5.2020 11.24 Press releaseThe Government will return to work normally, but the morning sessions will be held remotely.
8.5.2020 11.18 Press releasePreventive police work promotes the safety and security of people and society
8.5.2020 10.12 Press releaseMajor adjustment package needed for consolidating public finances after business support phase and economic stimulus
8.5.2020 10.02 Press releaseSustainable recovery working group: Post-crisis measures to boost investments in emission reductions, impacts of all measures on climate and natural environment to be assessed
8.5.2020 4.59 Press releaseHigh-profile group to look for ways to strengthen wellbeing and equality in the aftermath of coronavirus crisis
7.5.2020 16.49 Press releaseGovernment to work remotely as precautionary measure due to possible coronavirus exposure
7.5.2020 14.19 Press releaseCommuting across internal borders now allowed without a requirement on the necessity of the work
7.5.2020 14.12 Press releaseGovernment proposal to amend and specify provisions in the Act on Police Administration
7.5.2020 14.11 Press releaseParking concessions for home care workers included in the new Road Traffic Act
7.5.2020 14.10 Press releaseParking concessions for home care workers included in the new Road Traffic Act
7.5.2020 14.10 Press releasePISA 2018 Financial literacy: Robust skills and responsible use of money among Finnish students
7.5.2020 14.01 Press releaseElina Ravantti appointed Director General of Communications at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
7.5.2020 14.00 Press releaseMinistry of Social Affairs and Health issues instructions to regional state administrative agencies for making decisions on controlled opening of school premises and on restrictions concerning public events
7.5.2020 13.38 Press releaseMinister of Defence Kaikkonen to meet Sweden's Minister for Defence
7.5.2020 12.02 Press releaseInformation package collates data on companies, labour market and services during the coronavirus epidemic
7.5.2020 10.55 Press releaseJuhani Damski appointed as Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment
7.5.2020 8.15 Press releaseStrong support for Western Balkans by the EU
6.5.2020 22.19 Press releaseSupport to restaurants for re-employment and compensation for imposed restrictions on activities
6.5.2020 18.15 Press releaseGovernment measures to ensure availability of seasonal employees
6.5.2020 14.08 Press release
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