The Room for Growth -The project on measures to boost economic growth
VNK024:00/2024 Development
The ministries implement the Government Programme, draft acts and other statutes, and promote reforms through different kinds of projects, working groups and bodies. Information on all this is available on the Government website.
All ministries' projects are available on the Government website
The economic growth Finland needs will be generated in the business sector through a well-functioning market. An effective market is one where production inputs are utilised efficiently and there are no undue competitive advantages. Well-functioning capital markets provide financing for all stages of a company’s life cycle and for various working capital and investment needs. Especially when it comes to employment, the growth opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises, and their willingness to grow, play a key role. The central government’s role in this work is to make growth possible. To ensure that growth is sustainable, environmental and social factors must also be taken into account.
The European Union plays an important role in improving Europe’s weak competitiveness, and the way its growth measures are formulated and applied based on the work of the new Commission will have a significant impact on Finland’s growth policy.
The Government Programme includes significant ...
Basic information In progress
Project number VNK024:00/2024
Case numbers VN/26587/2024
Set by Prime Minister’s Office
Term/schedule 26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Date of appointment 26.9.2024
Relation to the Government Programme
Luku 1 Kestävä julkinen talous
Alaluku 1.1 Talouspolitiikka
Contact person
Saara Tamminen, Johtava asiantuntija
tel. +358 295 160 895
[email protected]
Goals and results
The Prime Minister’s Office has launched a project to find new ways to boost economic growth. The aim is to produce concrete proposals for growth in the private business sector for the Government to decide on in its mid-term policy review.
In addition to reforms requiring extensive preparation, the project is looking for quicker measures and smaller, micro-level solutions. Another goal of the project is to serve as a catalyst for discussions on economic growth and to create a positive atmosphere of trust in the opportunities the Finnish economy has to offer. The project is looking for solutions related to regulation, state assets, organisational structures, operating methods, taxation, budget appropriations and other areas where the state can exercise control. Given the limited fiscal room for manoeuvre, priority should be given to measures that will not require direct increases in public spending or that can be implemented cost-neutrally.
The expert group leading the project will gather proposals for boosting growth from a variety of actors in society, and will draw on studies and reports produced in recent years. The group may also come up with entirely new ideas. The preparations will make use of a variety of discussion forums, such as the Economic Council chaired by the Prime Minister. The expert group will outline the preparation process for compiling and evaluating the proposals in more detail at a later date. The group is set to complete its final report by 28 February 2025.
Starting points
The Finnish economy is suffering from chronically slow growth. Economic growth has been very slow on average since the financial crisis, and Finland’s relative standard of living has declined in relation to traditional reference countries as well as the EU average. From 2008 to 2023, Finland’s gross domestic product grew by just five per cent. Despite the cyclical recovery of the economy, forecasts for economic growth in the next few years are fairly subdued.
Slow economic growth is one of the main reasons for the problems facing general government finances. The Government has decided on substantial adjustment measures to reverse the growth of the general government debt ratio by the end of its term. However, the foreseeable rise in age-related expenditure means that faster than anticipated economic growth will be needed to finance the welfare society in the future. Without economic growth, Finland will have no choice but to continue its significant adjustment measures in the coming years.
The economic growth Finland needs will be generated in the business sector through a well-functioning market. An effective market is one where production inputs are utilised efficiently and there are no undue competitive advantages. Well-functioning capital markets provide financing for all stages of a company’s life cycle and for various working capital and investment needs. Especially when it comes to employment, the growth opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises, and their willingness to grow, play a key role. The central government’s role in this work is to make growth possible. To ensure that growth is sustainable, environmental and social factors must also be taken into account.
The European Union plays an important role in improving Europe’s weak competitiveness, and the way its growth measures are formulated and applied based on the work of the new Commission will have a significant impact on Finland’s growth policy.
The Government Programme includes significant measures to boost growth, including through R&D investments, labour market reform, taxation, infrastructure investments, access to clean energy and efforts to promote competition. The impact of some measures will only be visible in the longer term. Along with the measures to support business and entrepreneurship already included in the Government Programme, the Government has deemed it necessary to decide on new growth measures, including fast-acting ones, in its mid-term policy review in spring 2025.
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Preparatory working group
Role, Term
Murto, Risto
Role: Chair
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Artjoki, Risto
Prime Minister’s Office
Role: Member
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Engblom, Ari
Partner, Head of Legal Services
Role: Member
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Hankonen-Nybom, Raija-Leena
Hallituksen jäsen
Role: Member
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Koskinen, Vesa
Role: Member
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Kovanen, Eeva
Toimitusjohtaja osakas
Kovanen Capital Oy
Role: Member
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Maliranta, Mika
Professori, johtaja
Työn ja talouden tutkimus LABORE
Role: Member
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Martikainen-Rahnu, Pauliina
Role: Member
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Ollus, Simon-Erik
Role: Member
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Vapaavuori, Jan
Oikeustieteen kandidaatti
Oikeustieteen kandidaatti
Role: Member
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Role, Term
Sinko, Pekka
Talousneuvoston pääsihteeri
Prime Minister’s Office
Role: General secretary
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Tamminen, Saara
Johtava asiantuntija
Prime Minister’s Office
Role: General secretary
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Role, Term
Tamminen, Saara
Johtava asiantuntija
Prime Minister’s Office
Role: Person in charge
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
Tamminen, Saara
Johtava asiantuntija
Prime Minister’s Office
Role: Project contact person
26.9.2024 – 28.2.2025
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