Developing scenarios

Every two years, Finland has to report to the EU and to UNFCCC its policy measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and scenarios on the future development of its emissions and energy balance. The scenarios reported are based on the scenarios prepared for the national energy and climate strategy. Two scenarios are reported: the “With Existing Measures” scenario includes the policy measures already decided and implemented whereas the “With Additional Measures” scenario also takes into account additional, planned policy measures.

Finland submitted to the EU for the first time a description of its national reporting system in 2015. The description explains the division of reporting duties, the preparation of scenarios, impact assessments concerning emission reduction measures, and procedures for ensuring consistency, comprehensiveness and quality. The description was updated in March 2023 in connection with the national energy and climate progress reporting.

The description of the national system shows, in particular, that the scenarios reported are prepared in extensive collaboration among different ministries and expert organisations. Moreover, it demonstrates that scenarios are developed in a detailed manner, based on statistics and models created by experts. The same principles apply to the preparation of scenarios for national energy and climate strategies.

The description of the national systemFile opens in a new tab pdf 592kB  (in English).

Further information: bettina.lemstrom(at)