EU AI Board and its sub-groups

The European Artificial Intelligence BoardLink to an external website has approved a list of sub-groups that the AI Board is empowered to set up and that shall contribute to the technical-level work. Finland’s representatives and substitutes in the sub-groups are:

The first plenary of the Code of Practice on General Purpose AI
Chief Specialist Maria Hauptmann, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
Senior Government Adviser Anna Vuopala, Ministry of Education and Culture (substitute)

Steering group on general-purpose AI
Chief Specialist Maria Hauptmann, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
Senior Government Adviser Anna Vuopala, Ministry of Education and Culture (substitute)

AI innovation ecosystem
Senior Specialist Eija Laineenoja, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
Senior Specialist Lasse Laitinen, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland (substitute)

AI sandboxes
Ministerial Adviser Kirsti Vilén, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
Special Adviser Ville Henttonen, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (substitute)

Border Management Expert Jorma Turunen, Finnish Border Guard
Superintendent Sami Wetterstrand, Finnish Customs (substitute)

Chief Specialist Maria Hauptmann, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
Senior Specialist Lasse Laitinen, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland (substitute)

Medical Devices and In-vitro Diagnostics
Senior Inspector Sami Myllymaa, Finnish Medicines Agency
Inspector Minna Kymäläinen, Finnish Medicines Agency (substitute)

Nominations of Finnish representatives to the Phase II subgroups of the Artificial Intelligence Board

AI Act interplay with other Union legislation:
Anne Kaartinen, Legal Counsel, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Amanda Mäkelä, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Justice, 
Jere Heikkinen, Administrative Officer, Finnish Safety and Security Agency
Jari Knuuttila, Chief Specialist, The Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea

Annex III High-risk AI:
Anne Kaartinen, Legal Counsel, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Kristine Alanko, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Transport and Communications,
Tanja Muotka, Senior Officer, Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman

Law Enforcement and Security:
Olavi Illikainen, Program Manager, Information Technology Centre
Emma Patovuori, Senior Specialist, Police Department, Ministry of the Interior

Financial Services:
Hanne Heiskanen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Finance,
Tuomas Ritola, Chief Specialist, Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority

Lasse Laitinen, Senior Specialist, tel. + 358 295 047 162,
Maria Hauptmann, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 047 019,