Growth from health sector innovations and research

The health sector is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Growth and renewal in the health sector have been promoted by the Health sector growth strategy for research and innovation activities published in 2014. Two roadmaps have been published for the implementation of the strategy: the first for 2016-2018 and the second for 2020-2023. The implementation has been coordinated by three ministries (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health) and funding organisations (Business Finland, Academy of Finland).
The aim of the strategy is to systematically develop a competitive operating environment, increase investments in the health sector and economic growth in the sector. In addition, the strategy aims to create opportunities for better health care and a basis for a more efficient health and social services sector.
According to the Programme of Orpo’s government and in cooperation between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, a research and development and innovation programme to boost growth and renewal in the health and wellbeing sector, including the use of health technology and promotion of exports, will be launched as a follow-up to the health sector RDI growth strategy. The programme responds to the rapidly changing operating environment by reforming the structures and procedures by which the sector’s data, infrastructure, research results, digitalisation and technology are utilised in RDI activities in cooperation with wellbeing services counties, higher education institutions, financiers and companies in the sector.
Further information:
Anni Kaukoranta - anni.kaukoranta(at)
Read more
- Health sector growth strategy - Mid-term evaluationLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tabFile opens in a new tab pdf 644kB
- Growth Strategy for Health Sector Research and Innovation Activities: The Roadmap for 2016-2018Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
- Health Sector Growth Strategy for Research and Innovation Activities (2014)Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tabFile opens in a new tab pdf 4.1MB