Statute drafting

Drafting statutes is one of the most important tasks of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
The ministry’s remit includes employment, unemployment and public employment services; work environment issues; collective agreements and mediation of labour disputes; regional development; trade and industrial policy; energy policy and co-ordination of national preparation and implementation of climate policy; innovation and technology policy; internationalisation of companies and technical safety; and handling of functioning of markets, promotion of competition, consumer policy, and non-military service.
Extensive statute projects that are important in terms of principle are drafted in committees or working groups consisting of representatives of different administrative branches and stakeholders. Stakeholders are also requested to submit opinions during the statute projects. The consultation may also be in the form of consultation sessions.
The Government proposals drafted in the ministry are discussed at the Government plenary session before they are submitted to Parliament.
In addition to drafting legislation requiring parliamentary approval, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment also drafts lower-level provisions coming within its purview (Government decrees and decrees issued by the ministry).
A substantial part of the statute drafting in the ministry is connected with the national implementation of the decisions made at EU level.
Further information: sami.kivivasara(at)