Trademark supports brand building

Trademark is a sign protected by exclusive rights that distinguishes the products or services of its holder from those of others. Customers know a company by its trademark, which is often an important part of its brand.

A company can obtain the exclusive rights to a trademark by registering it in the Register of Trademarks or by making it become established. The latter means the recognition of the trademark in the appropriate business or consumer circles. A trademark protected in Finland or in the EU provides the holder with the exclusive rights to the trademark in business operations. This means that other operators may not use on their products signs that are identical with the protected trademark or can be confused with it.

More information about trademarks:

Finnish Patent and Registration OfficeLink to an external website
European Union Intellectual Property Office Link to an external website
World Intellectual Property OrganizationLink to an external website

Further information:

Stiina Löytömäki