Preparation of product-group specific requirements

The energy efficiency of products is regulated in the EU by the Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Regulation. They have been implemented in Finland through the Ecodesign Act (1005/2008) and the Ecodesign Decree (1043/2010). The Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Regulation are implemented through product-group specific regulations, directly applicable in all EU countries.

Different preparation processes for ecodesign and energy labelling requirements

The Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Regulation establish a framework for the setting of regulations for specific product groups.

The Commission leads the preparation of ecodesign regulations for individual product groups under the framework directive. On the basis of its preparatory studies, the Commission may decide to begin drafting ecodesign requirements. During the preparation process, it consults with stakeholders and EU countries at Consultation Forum meetings. Later, the representatives of Member States vote on the Commission’s proposals for regulations in a committee established under the Committee Procedure.

In 2017, the Energy Labelling Directive was replaced by the Energy Labelling Regulation. The Energy Labelling Regulation is implemented through product-specific acts. The energy labelling requirements only apply to product groups for which binding, product-group specific energy labelling regulations have been adopted in the EU.

The Commission issues the product-group specific regulations as delegated regulations, which are directly applicable in Finland. The Member States do not vote on delegated regulations, although Member States’ representatives and interested parties have the possibility to be heard through the Consultation Forums.

Requirements set by product group

The Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Regulation regulate the energy efficiency of products in the EU. They have been implemented in Finland through the Ecodesign Act (1005/2008) and the Ecodesign Decree (1043/2010). Binding requirements for individual product groups are issued under the Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Regulation. The requirements are directly applicable in all EU countries.

The European Commission manages the process of regulating individual product groups. EU countries and stakeholders are also involved in the process. The preparation processes and EU countries’ influence over the contents of provisions differ between ecodesign requirements and energy labelling, but Finland is actively involved in the work in both cases.

Finland active in setting requirements

In Finland, the framework legislation on the energy efficiency of products falls within the remit of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The Ministry of the Environment is responsible for product-specific regulations concerning construction products and the MEE for all other product groups (practical work carried out by the Energy Authority).

When forming Finland’s position on regulations concerning individual product groups, the Energy Authority and the Ministry of the Environment consult with manufacturing industry. More information on the matter is available on the websiteLink to an external website (in Finnish).

Compliance with the legislation is monitored in Finland by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes)Link to an external website and consumer information provided by Motiva LtdLink to an external website.

Further information: pekka.karpanen(at)