Report on the environmental impact assessment procedure for Olkiluoto nuclear power plant 

On 5.12.2024, Teollisuuden Voima Oyj submitted to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment an environmental impact assessment report (EIA report) in accordance with the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure (252/2017). The assessment report includes information on the project and its alternatives, a description of the current state of the environment, and estimates of likely significant environmental impacts and ways to mitigate them.

The EIA report concerns the possibility of extending the service life of Olkiluoto 1 and Olkiluoto 2 nuclear power plant units until 2048 or, alternatively, until 2058. The original planned service life of the Olkiluoto 1 and Olkiluoto 2 plant units was 40 years, until 2018. Their service life was extended earlier to 60 years, which will be met in 2038. Extending the service life with an uprated thermal power is also being assessed. In the thermal power uprating, the starting point is to increase of the reactor`s thermal power by 10 % to 2,750 MW, which corresponds to increasing the plant unit`s nominal electrical power output from the current 890 MW to 970 MW.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment acts as the coordinating authority for the environmental impact assessment procedure (EIA procedure). The project will also be subject to a transboundary environmental impact assessment procedure in accordance with the Espoo Convention.

The Ministry will organise a public consultation on the EIA report 17.12.2024-14.2.2025. The statements and opinions presented will be published on the Ministry´s website and will be taken into account in the competent authority's informed conclusion on the EIA report.

The hearing included a public event, which was held on 6 February 2025 at 5.30-7.30 p.m. at Eurajoki Municipal Hall. There was also the possibility of remote participation. The recording of the public event can only be viewed at this linkLink to an external website in Finnish.
After the consultation period has ended, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will submit an informed conclusion. In the informed conclusion, the coordinating authority states its view on the significant environmental impacts of the project. The conclusion will be based on the assessment report, statements and opinions issued on it, and the coordinating authority’s own evaluation.
The likely significant adverse environmental impacts assessed in the EIA procedure and the measures to prevent or mitigate them must be considered in any subsequent permit procedures. 

Inquiries: Miia Saarimäki, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 047 033,

Statements by private persons, organisations and companies