Working life barometer measures changes in working life

Each year, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment produces a working life barometer, which describes the state of working life at Finnish workplaces. In the barometer, employees give their views of their work and the results are based on interviews in which employees are asked questions about

  • organisation of work
  • working hour and pay schemes
  • work related learning and autonomy
  • discrimination, harassment and violence at workplaces
  • work ability and health and
  • labour market prospects.

Preliminary data is published at the start of the year and the final report in the autumn. 

Chart, source Working Life Barometer 2023. Employees are treated equally. Agree completely year 2021 44 %, year 2022 43 %, year 2023 43 %.

Research-based information is needed for decision-making

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is involved in research projects producing information about how Finnish working life is developing and how it fares in international comparisons. For example, the international PIAAC survey measuring adult skills in different countries is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture. The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) produces information about the state of working life in different EU countries. The Ministry is represented in Eurofound’s Governing Board and in this way it can influence the foundation’s research programmes.


Working Life Barometer 2020Link to an external website
Working Life Barometer 2019Link to an external website
Working Life Barometer 2018Link to an external website
Working Life Barometer 2017Link to an external website

Further information: Maija Lyly-Yrjänäinen, maija.lyly-yrjanainen(at)