Energy labelling

The aim of energy labelling is to provide consumers with information that enables them to choose energy efficient products. An energy label is attached to products for which product-group specific energy labelling regulations have been adopted in the EU.

The energy label shows a product’s energy consumption during use on a scale from A to G. Some product groups still use an old scale that include classes A+, A++ and A+++ to denote efficiency that exceeds the top A class. The energy label is multilingual and looks the same in all EU countries. In addition to energy-related and price information, advertisements for products covered by the labelling scheme must also include a reference to the product’s energy efficiency class.

The energy labelling framework is laid down at EU level by the Energy Labelling Regulation and at national level by the Ecodesign Act. The energy labelling requirements included in these instruments only apply to product groups for which binding, product-group specific energy labelling regulations have been adopted in the EU. The requirements set for individual product groups are directly applicable in all EU countries.

More information: pekka.karpanen(at)