
Employment has a central role in economic growth, people’s well-being and the sustainability of the public economy.
Well-functioning labour markets and Finland’s good position in the international division of work and competition will secure employment growth in future. Structural changes in work, professions and business sectors will lead to a change in the competences required in the labour markets. Company and employee adjustment is a key to creation of new work and to transition of people from education to labour markets and from one job or position to another.
Employment and enterprise policy supports competence development based on the needs of companies and the workforce. It also supports company growth and enterprise in start-up companies as well as reduces unemployment and problems in the reconciliation of supply and demand in the labour markets.
Important policy measures include, for example, the forms of support and services that promote employment and the reconciliation of supply and demand in the labour markets, training designed to meet the needs of companies and the workforce, and better financial incentives for employment. General economic policy has a central role in strengthening the demand for labour.
The Ministry of Employment and the Economy’s objectives in employment and enterprise policy are related to the availability of competent labour force, rapid employment of jobseekers, entrepreneurship, structural changes in business sectors and companies, and reduction of youth unemployment and structural unemployment.