Labour Force Barometer

The Labour Force Barometer aims to produce high-quality and comprehensive short-term information on labour and competence needs for different operators.

Previously, information on labour needs has been published in the Occupational Barometer, which will be replaced by the Labour Force Barometer in autumn 2023. The Labour Force Barometer provides a more comprehensive outlook on the labour market and its needs, because it examines not only occupational titles but also competence needs. Another new aspect is the sectoral approach, which provides a more accurate picture of labour needs.

From March 2025 onwards, the Development and Administrative Services Centre (KEHA Centre) will be responsible for the maintenance and development of the Labour Force Barometer.

The results of the Labour Force Barometer are published once a year in October. The main source of information for the Labour Force Barometer are the views of regional experts concerning near-term needs.

Labour Force BarometerLink to an external website

Inquiries: Timo Bergman, KEHA Centre, tyovoimabarometri(at)