How will we find a way out of the COVID-19 crisis? What measures will be needed to repair the damage it has caused? – Preparations are now underway for an exit plan

On 8 April 2020, the Prime Minister’s Office appointed a working group tasked with preparing a plan for Finland’s way out of the COVID-19 crisis and deciding on measures to deal with the aftermath of the crisis. Permanent Secretary Martti Hetemäki from the Ministry of Finance will chair the preparation group and Permanent Secretary Kirsi Varhila from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health will serve as its vice-chair.
The plan prepared by the group will include, among other things, measures to rectify the health, social and economic damage caused by the coronavirus crisis and steps to be taken to lift the restrictions imposed to deal with the situation. The assessment on lifting the restrictions will take into account the epidemiological and medical situational picture, forecasts on the health effects of the COVID-19 epidemic and an overall assessment of the impact of the crisis on society.
During its work, the preparation group will consult with representatives of the business community, municipalities, civil society organisations and environmental organisations on a broad basis. In addition, the group will monitor the measures taken in other countries to deal with the aftermath of the crisis and will take into account its impact international politics and the European Union.
Scientific panel and working group of collective organisations to support the work of the preparation group
To support the preparation group, a scientific panel will be set up consisting of researchers and experts from different fields of expertise, such as social policy, education policy and economic policy as well as the environmental and climate sciences. The task of the scientific panel is to assist the preparation group in assessing and anticipating the effects of the crisis. The panel will provide expert support in the preparation and evaluation of measures related to the different phases of the crisis.
To further support the group, a subgroup consisting of representatives of collective organisations will be established, which will be able to submit to the preparation group wide-ranging proposals on post-crisis management and reconstruction.
Wide-ranging representation in the preparation group
The Prime Minister’s Office has asked the following ministries to appoint representatives to the preparation group by 10 April at 12 noon at the latest:
- Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of the Interior
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Education and Culture
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- Ministry of Transport and Communications
- Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Ministry of the Environment
- Prime Minister's Office.
The Prime Minister’s Office has asked the following organisations to appoint representatives to the working group of collective organisations:
- Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK)
- Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland (Akava)
- Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (STTK)
- Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK)
- Local Government Employers (KT)
- Federation of Finnish Enterprises (SY)
Inquiries: Timo Lankinen, Permanent State Under-Secretary, tel. +358 295 160 300, Prime Minister’s Office