Government Programs since 1917

The Government Programme is a political action plan agreed on by the parties in Government that describes the Government’s objectives and main areas of activity. It sets out the guidelines that the Government intends to follow during its term of office. The Prime Minister oversees the implementation of the Government Programme and sees to it that the Government agrees on appropriate implementation procedures at the beginning of its term.

Government Programmes have taken many different forms over the years. In the beginning, they were mainly statements and programme declarations made by the Prime Minister. 

  Government Term
77. Orpo 20.6.2023–
76. Marin 10.12.2019–20.6.2023
75. Rinne 6.6.–10.12.2019
74. Sipilä 29.5.2015–6.6.2019
73. Stubb 24.6.2014–29.5.2015
72. Katainen 22.6.2011–24.6.2014
71. Kiviniemi 22.6.2010–22.6.2011
70. Vanhanen II 19.4.2007–22.6.2010
69. Vanhanen 24.6.2003–19.4.2007
68. Jäätteenmäki 17.4.2003–24.6.2003
67. Lipponen II 15.4.1999–17.4.2003
66. Lipponen 13.4.1995–15.4.1999
65. Aho 26.4.1991–13.4.1995
64. Holkeri 30.4.1987–26.4.1991
63. Sorsa IV 6.5.1983–30.4.1987
62. Sorsa III 19.2.1982–6.5.1983
61. Koivisto II 26.5.1979–19.2.1982
60. Sorsa II 15.5.1977–26.5.1979
59. Miettunen III 29.9.1976–15.5.1977
58. Miettunen II 30.11.1975–29.9.1976
57. Liinamaa 13.6.1975–30.11.1975
56. Sorsa 4.9.1972–13.6.1975
55. Paasio II 23.2.1972–4.9.1972
54. Aura II 29.10.1971–23.2.1972
53. Karjalainen II 15.7.1970–29.10.1971
52. Aura 14.5.1970–15.7.1970
51. Koivisto 22.3.1968–14.5.1970
50. Paasio 27.5.1966–22.3.1968
49. Virolainen 12.9.1964–27.5.1966
48. Lehto 18.12.1963–12.9.1964
47. Karjalainen 13.4.1962–18.12.1963
46. Miettunen 14.7.1961–13.4.1962
45. Sukselainen II 13.1.1959–14.7.1961
44. Fagerholm III 29.8.1958–13.1.1959
43. Kuuskoski 26.4.1958–29.8.1958
42. von Fieandt 29.11.1957–26.4.1958
41. Sukselainen 27.5.1957–29.11.1957
40. Fagerholm II 3.3.1956–27.5.1957
39. Kekkonen V 20.10.1954–3.3.1956
38. Törngren 5.5.1954–20.10.1954
37. Tuomioja 17.11.1953–5.5.1954
36. Kekkonen IV 9.7.1953–17.11.1953
35. Kekkonen III 20.9.1951–9.7.1953
34. Kekkonen II 17.1.1951–20.9.1951
33. Kekkonen 17.3.1950–17.1.1951
32. Fagerholm 29.7.1948–17.3.1950
31. Pekkala 26.3.1946–29.7.1948
30. Paasikivi III 17.4.1945–26.3.1946
29. Paasikivi II 17.11.1944–17.4.1945
28. Castren U. 21.9.1944–17.11.1944
27. Hackzell 8.8.1944–21.9.1944
26. Linkomies 5.3.1943–8.8.1944
25. Rangell 4.1.1941–5.3.1943
24. Ryti II 27.3.1940–4.1.1941
23. Ryti 1.12.1939–27.3.1940
22. Cajander III 12.3.1937–1.12.1939
21. Kallio IV 7.10.1936–12.3.1937
20. Kivimäki 14.12.1932–7.10.1936
19. Sunila II 21.3.1931–14.12.1932
18. Svinhufvud II 4.7.1930–21.3.1931
17. Kallio III 16.8.1929–4.7.1930
16. Mantere 22.12.1928–16.8.1929
15. Sunila 17.12.1927–22.12.1928
14. Tanner 13.12.1926–17.12.1927
13. Kallio II 31.12.1925–13.12.1926
12. Tulenheimo 31.3.1925–31.12.1925
11. Ingman II 31.5.1924–31.3.1925
10. Cajander II 18.1.1924–31.5.1924
09. Kallio 14.11.1922–18.1.1924
08. Cajander 2.6.1922–14.11.1922
07. Vennola II 9.4.1921–2.6.1922
06. Erich 15.3.1920–9.4.1921
05. Vennola 15.8.1919–15.3.1920
04. Castren K. 17.4.1919–15.8.1919
03. Ingman 27.11.1918–17.4.1919
02. Paasikivi 27.5.1918–27.11.1918
01. Svinhufvud 27.11.1917–27.5.1918