Research and Innovation Council
The Research and Innovation Council is an advisory body led by the Prime Minister. Its goal is to develop research and innovation policy that supports wellbeing, education and culture and promotes economically, socially and ecologically sustainable growth and competitiveness.
Tasks and objectives
The Research and Innovation Council was appointed by the Government on 23 November 2023 to serve for the duration of the parliamentary term. The terms of the council’s ministerial members are tied to their terms as ministers.
The purpose of the Research and Innovation Council is to:
- support the Government in developing its long-term comprehensive research and innovation policy
- present initiatives for national strategy choices
- monitor changes in the operating environment
- promote Finland’s image as a country with a favourable research and innovation policy
- coordinate and monitor the implementation of the Act on Research and Development Funding and the drafting and implementation of the multiannual plan for the use of R&D funding
- prepare initiatives related to research and innovation policy
- present proposals for the allocation of R&D funding.
The decree on the Research and Innovation Council was revised in autumn 2023. The revisions were outlined in a report published by the parliamentary RDI working group in March 2023 and in the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government.
The revisions strengthen the position and resources of the Research and Innovation Council. The goal is to improve the management and coordination of research and innovation policy at the national level, increase the impact of research and innovation on society and promote cross-administrative approaches to research and innovation.

Council members
The Research and Innovation Council is chaired by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo. In addition to the Prime Minister and other ministers, the council consists of other members, permanent experts and the council secretariat.
Composition and meetings of the Research and Innovation CouncilPress releases
Proposals for national strategic choices for RDI policy and activities circulated for comments
Johanna Moisio, General Secretary
Prime Minister's Office, Government Strategy Department, Policy Planning Unit Telephone:0295160625 Email Address: [email protected]
Antti Pelkonen, Chief Specialist
Prime Minister's Office, Government Strategy Department, Policy Planning Unit Telephone:0295160533 Email Address: [email protected]
Harri Länsipuro, Chief Specialist
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Innovaatiot ja yritysrahoitusosasto, Innovaatiopolitiikka-ryhmä, INNO Telephone:0295047305 Email Address: [email protected]
Jussi Alho, Chief Specialist
Ministry of Education and Culture, Korkeakoulu- ja tiedepolitiikan osasto ( KTPO ), Tiedepolitiikan vastuualue ( TIEVA ) Telephone:0295330388 Email Address: [email protected]