Management and organisation of the Prime Minister’s Office
The Prime Minister is the head of the Prime Minister's Office. The Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering is responsible for certain EU-related matters and for state ownership steering policy. The State Secretary, whose appointment is in tandem with the Prime Minister’s term of office, directs the Prime Minister’s Office. He is assisted in this by the Permanent State Under-Secretary. The Permanent State Under-Secretary directs and monitors the work of the PMO's departments, units and officials.
State Secretary
State Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office is Risto Artjoki.
A State Secretary has been appointed to the Prime Minister’s Office since 1990 and his/her term is linked to that of the Prime Minister. The duties of the State Secretary are, as the Prime Minister’s closest aide, to promote and monitor the implementation of the Government Programme, to direct preparation of matters in the Government and to ensure cooperation with the ministries.
A State Secretary directs the Prime Minister’s Office and is assisted by the Permanent State Under-Secretary. The State Secretary to the Prime Minister also chairs meetings of the ministries’ Permanent Secretaries.
Risto Artjoki, State Secretary
Prime Minister's Office, Management Telephone:0916022006 Email Address: [email protected]
Veera Välikangas, Administrative Assistant
Prime Minister's Office, HR Unit, Valtioneuvoston sihteeriryhmä (VN SIRY) Telephone:0295160251 Email Address: [email protected]
Permanent State Under-Secretary
The duties of Timo Lankinen, Permanent State Under-Secretary, include directing and monitoring the work of the Prime Minister's Office. The Permanent State Under-Secretary ensures the quality of legal drafting and the coordination of preparatory work by public officials in the Prime Minister's Office. He is also responsible for preparatory work on the objectives of the Prime Minister's Office and for monitoring their implementation.
The Permanent State Under-Secretary directs and develops the administration and ensures the overall security and preparedness of the Prime Minister's Office. He also acts as rapporteur during the process of forming a government.
Timo Lankinen, Permanent State Under-Secretary
Prime Minister's Office, Management Telephone:0295160300 Email Address: [email protected]
Sofia Kangasniemi, Administrative Assistant
Prime Minister's Office, HR Unit, Valtioneuvoston sihteeriryhmä (VN SIRY) Telephone:0295160688 Email Address: [email protected]
The Prime Minister’s Office consists of five departments: the EU Affairs Department, the Ownership Steering Department, the Communications Department, the Strategy Department and the Administration Department. The office also has four separate units: the Session Unit, the Preparedness Unit, the Human Resources Unit and the Finance Unit.
The Government EU Affairs Department ensures that the system for coordinating EU policy functions well, and that Finland's EU policy is consistent. The Department prepares EU affairs for the Prime Minister and the Minister for European Affairs, and serves as the secretariat for the Ministerial Committee on European Union Affairs. It prepares meetings of the European Council, directs the Committee for EU Affairs and participates in the work of preparation sections. A representative of the Government EU Affairs Department is present, as a member of the Finnish delegation, at all Council meetings.
The Government EU Affairs Department is responsible for issues concerning the amendment of EU Treaties and the coordination of matters related to basic treaties of the European Union. It also covers other treaties and international obligations handled by the EU. In addition, the Department is responsible for any horizontal and institutional matters of key importance to the EU's development and handles certain appointments to EU institutions.
Duties relating to state ownership steering are handled in the Ownership Steering Department within the Prime Minister’s Office. The department is responsible for state ownership policy, the ownership steering of state-owned companies, the expansion of the ownership base, ownership restructuring arrangements, share investments, the coordination of ministries' ownership steering procedures and inter-ministerial cooperation.
Contact information of the Government Ownership Steering Department
The Department is responsible for long-term social policy foresight and planning and the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities. It also coordinates the national implementation of sustainable development, handles Government’s strategy work, prepares the Government’s action plan and reports on Government policy. It also serves as secretariat for the Government's strategy sessions and meetings of permanent secretaries. The department has two units: the social policy planning unit and the Government policy unit.
The Government Communications Department, under the lead of the Prime Minister, is responsible for the Government’s joint communications and for coordinating the external communications of the ministries and the central government. The Government Communications Department is responsible for the external communications of the Prime Minister’s Office, and supports the departments and projects of the Prime Minister’s Office in managing their communications.
Contact information of the Government Communications Department
The Government Administration Department is responsible for the government's and its ministries' common administrative and specialist services. It also assumes responsibility for issues that are deemed to be part of the general discharge of duties within the mandate of the Prime Minister's Office and do not fall within the mandate of another department or unit.
The Department is responsible for the management, coordination and development of the government’s and its ministries' common practices and procedures. In addition, it provides joint services and promotes shared organisational culture.
The Government Administration Department is headed by a director general. The Department is divided into four divisions.
- Translation and Language Division
- Internal Communications and Information Support Division
- Information Management and ICT Division
- Premises and In-house Services Division
Contact information of the Government Administration Department
The Governmental Affairs Unit is responsible for arranging government plenary sessions and presidential sessions and for supporting the Government in organising its talks and evening sessions.
The Unit
- coordinates the work of the Government and Parliament
- assists in changes of Government and supports the activities of the Government
- submits the Government Annual Report
- develops decision-making procedures within the Government
- supports the Council of Regulatory Impact Analysis
- is responsible for legislative planning within the Government.
The Unit also handles tasks related to legislative drafting and decision preparation, preparations for the granting of honorary titles by the President of the Republic, and tasks related to public recognition. Other areas of responsibility include matters related to the implementation of the Emergency Powers Act and certain issues concerning Åland.
The Preparedness Unit oversees joint security and coordinates security services for the Government and its ministries. Its responsibilities include compiling the Government’s shared situation picture and conducting cross-administrative comprehensive security analysis, coordinating the management of incidents and ensuring the Government’s joint preparedness for incidents and emergencies.
The Preparedness Unit consists of the Security Group, the Preparedness Group and the Government Situation Centre. The Preparedness Unit is led by the Director of Government Security.
The Human Resources Unit is responsible for personnel-related matters at the Prime Minister's Office at all stages of an employment relationship. At Government level, the unit is responsible for the harmonisation of personnel policy guidelines and practices and for matters related to skills development and occupational healthcare. The unit also provides secretarial services for senior management.
The Finance Unit at the Prime Minister’s Office is responsible for financial and operational planning, finance and travel management, and centralised guidance and support in procurements. The unit is responsible for steering, developing and coordinating the ministries’ joint operational and financial planning, finance management, procurement and travel administration. The Finance Unit provides centralised support and guidance to other ministries concerning procurements and travel.
The unit is also responsible for matters related to granting party subsidies and for overseeing and coordinating joint data protection for the Government and its ministries.