Coronavirus info session for children on Friday 24 April

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry of Education and Culture
Publication date 23.4.2020 15.06 | Published in English on 23.4.2020 at 17.40
Type:Press release 280/2020

The Government will hold a coronavirus info session for children on Friday 24 April at 11 o’clock.

Prime Minister Sanna Marin, Minister of Education Li Andersson and Minister of Science and Culture Hanna Kosonen will answer questions about the coronavirus situation at the event. 

The info session is being organised in cooperation with Lasten uutiset (Helsingin Sanomat), Apu Juniori and Yle. The questions will be asked via videoconference by 7–12-year-old children selected by our partners.

The questions to be addressed at the coronavirus info session were collected through our partners’ channels from primary school pupils, and schools can use the live broadcast in their distance teaching. Information on the children’s info session has been distributed to schools, for example through participating children’s and young people’s media channels. 

The press conference will be broadcast live on the Government YouTube channel and will be interpreted into sign language. The children’s coronavirus info will be shown on Yle Areena and simultaneously interpreted into Swedish on Yle Arenan.

Inquiries: Heta-Leena Sierilä, Head of Communications, +358 40 588 8589, Prime Minister's Office