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Nominate a candidate for the International Gender Equality Prize

Government Communications Department
Publication date 19.3.2017 11.00
Press release 119/2017

The public, both in Finland and abroad, are now welcome to nominate candidates for the first-ever International Gender Equality Prize established by the Finnish Government. The recipient of the prize can be a person or actor who has promoted gender equality in an internationally recognised way.

The opening date for entering candidates is 19 March at In Finland, 19 March is Minna Canth Day, the day of equality, commemorating the birth of Minna Canth, writer and a social opinion leader born in 1844. Minna Canth is the first Finnish woman to be granted her own flag day.

The closing date for submitting candidates for the International Gender Equality Prize is 31 May.

The Finnish Government has established the International Gender Equality Prize as part of Finland’s centenary celebrations. It aims to promote gender equality around the world and advocate international debate on gender equality. The announcement on the prize was made by Prime Minister Juha Sipilä in Tampere on the International Women's Day on 8 March.

The recipient of the prize can be a person or actor who has promoted gender equality in an internationally recognised way. The prize includes a monetary award that the recipient, however, does not receive for their own use. Instead, the recipient identifies a concrete cause strengthening the position of women to which prize money will be granted. The prize will be awarded in collaboration with the City of Tampere.

The prize is awarded every second year. It will be awarded for the first time in autumn 2017. This year the prize amounts to EUR 150,000. The recipient of the prize will be nominated by a competition jury appointed by the Prime Minister's Office. This year the composition of the jury is: Paulina Ahokas, chair and managing director of Tampere Hall, Pekka Timonen, General Secretary for the Centenary and Rosa Meriläinen, author and researcher.

Anna-Kaisa Heikkinen, Special Adviser (International Affairs), tel. +358 40 7483 867, anna-kaisa.heikkinen(at)
Prize: Paulina Ahokas, chair and managing director of Tampere Hall, tel. +358 40 5511 551, paulina.ahokas(at)
Questions related to gender equality: Tanja Auvinen, Director, Gender Equality Unit, tel. +358 295 163715, tanja.auvinen(at)
Finland’s country brand: Petra Theman, Director, Unit for Public Diplomacy, tel. +358 295 351 558, petra.theman(at)

Finland launches the International Gender Equality Prize – press Release 8th of March
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