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Government convened to discuss the Turku incident

Government Communications Department
Publication date 19.8.2017 15.20 | Published in English on 20.8.2017 at 10.54
Press release 365/2017

The Finnish Government convened on Saturday 19 August due to the Turku incident. The Government received an update of the progress made in the police investigations. The Government will monitor the situation closely and the authorities are keeping it updated of further developments.

Prime Minister Juha Sipilä reminds that the Finns must now stand together. The way to respond to hatred is not hatred.

“I very strongly condemn the act. It is shocking and touches us all. The attack in Turku must not lead to stigmatising other foreign citizens in Finland. There were both Finns and foreigners among the victims and those who came to help,” says Prime Minister Juha Sipilä.

Authorities have reinforced preparedness and the cooperation between different authorities works well. They are prepared for also incidents like these. The police and the health care authorities acted swiftly and in an exemplary manner.

A minute's silence on Sunday

The Government decided about a minute's silence in memory of the people who lost their lives in the Turku attack. The minute’s silence will be nationwide on Sunday 20 August at 10.00. The Government wishes that the Finns would join the minute’s silence across the country.

Inquiries: Päivi Paasikoski, Head of Communications, tel. +358 40 547 6279 and Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 0733, Government Communications Department