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International comparative study on political decision- making now published to serve as a basis for efforts to develop the workings of Government

Government Communications Department
Publication date 20.10.2016 15.03 | Published in English on 21.10.2016 at 13.25
Press release 451/2016

This comparative study looks at the structures, development, steerage and operations of the governments of five countries (Sweden, Estonia, the Netherland, Norway and New Zealand).

It also provides an overview of the evolution of the workings of the Finnish Government, central administration and committees as well as recent changes. The final chapter of this comprehensive analysis discusses the differences between Finland and other countries in terms of the ways in which things are done and how the experiences gained in other countries could be used to increase unity within the Government of Finland.

Key methods used in the study include an extensive desk study, close reading of the research literature on the countries concerned and interviews with experts specialised in central government administration in the five countries involved.

Keenness for cooperation more important than structures

The key findings of the study were as follows:

  • The central government administrative structures do not have any intrinsic value as factors of unified government. The essential element is the way in which key actors of public policy and governance wish to cooperate with one another.
  • A clear vision for governmental development and the determination of overall responsibility for the same support continuity in governmental reforms.
  • The structural flexibility of ministry-level governmental organisations and ministries' adaptive capacity to reform are fundamentals of a reformable and agile central government. 
  • A clear division of duties between political actors and the civil service contributes to the effectiveness of Government-level decision-making.
  • Cross-sectoral coordination of ministries will promote the idea of unified government only if decision-making powers are clearly defined.
  • As far as policy-making is concerned, committees with a broad-based remit and studies play an important part, particularly when due consideration is given to the legitimacy of the issues to be addressed across political party boundaries.
  • Common to all the countries included in the study is the strong role played by the finance ministry.
  • Over the next few years, the on-going health and social services and county reform will call for extensive coordination in decision-making between politicians and the central government administration.

The research team presented its findings to the working group on the development of the Finnish Government appointed by Minister of Local Government and Public Reforms Anu Vehviläinen on 4 October 2016. The working group, chaired by Seppo Tiitinen, LL.M, will make full use of the findings of the comparative study as a basis for its future efforts and submit its proposal for the governmental administrative structure and a model for cooperation in respect of Parliament by the end of 2016. The working group on the development of the Finnish Government is part of the key project to improve governance practices and implementation. One of its objectives is to coordinate the governance processes of the Government and central government administration with the strategy work carried out by the Government.

The comparative study was conducted as part of the implementation of the 2016 Government plan for analysis, assessment and research ( The study was carried out by Ramboll Management Consulting with Adjunct Professor Janne Jalava serving as the manager in charge of the project. The project manager in charge of content was Research Director, Adjunct Professor Petri Virtanen of Competence Capital Oy. Additionally, the research team included Petri Uusikylä of Frisky & Anjoy Oy, an expert in central government, and Adjunct Professor Seppo Tiihonen.

The Unity of Government – An International Comparative Study (in Finnish)

For more information on the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities, see

Inquiries: Development Director Janne Jalava, Ramboll Management Consulting Oy, janne.jalava(at), tel. +358 (0)40 350 1538; Ministerial Adviser Jarmo Huotari, Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 (0)295 530 418