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EU grants EUR 2.6 million to assist in the re-employment of ex-Nokia employees

arbets- och näringsministeriet
Publication date 18.5.2017 11.32 | Published in English on 19.5.2017 at 13.42
Press release

The European Globalisation Fund will give a grant of EUR 2.6 million to Finland to support employees made redundant by Nokia. The money will be used to help over 800 unemployed to find new jobs.

The European Parliament approved on 17 May 2017 the application filed by Finland with the European Globalisation Fund (EGF) in November last year.

“It’s a substantial amount that makes it possible to allocate extensive resources for training, coaching and advising the employees terminated by Nokia,” says Minister of Employment Jari Lindström.

The measures to support re-employment and assist in setting up a business were launched promptly after the mass redundancies last autumn. Over 700 ex-employees have so far benefitted from these services.

Skilled labour available

During the past few years, Finland has applied for EGF support specifically to address redundancies in the ICT sector which has been facing stiff competition for a long time. Currently, the European Union institutions are reviewing Finland’s EGF application for support for people laid off by Microsoft.

“Finnish ICT expertise is still world-class. It would be advisable to harness the skills and capabilities of the people made redundant in the ICT sector in other industries and geographical regions where qualified labour is very much in demand now, as in the marine and automotive industries in south-western Finland”, Minister Lindström adds.

Support also needed in the retail sector

Finland is planning to submit another application with the EGF for support for the employees made redundant by Anttila and Stockmann, two major department store chains. The funds would be used to help over 1,600 people who have lost their jobs in the retail sector. This is the first time that Finland is applying for support for redundant retail workers.

When EGF support is granted, the EU’s 60% of aid is to be matched by 40% of national funding. In the face of major structural changes, the Fund supports active employment policy measures, such as various forms of training, education, promotion of mobility, pay subsidies and start-up grants.

For more information on the Fund, click

Tapani Kojonsaari, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 50 456 2547
Leena Riekkola, Special Advisor to the Minister of Employment , tel. 0358 46 922 9594.