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A study has developed indicators to boost green growth

Government Communications Department
Publication date 3.5.2016 11.46
Press release 188/2016

The final report of the VireAvain project, published today, specifies 19 key indicators for green growth and 30 background indicators to assist their interpretation that will help boost green growth. Most of the indicators describe necessary regional- and business-level changes in addition to national-level changes. The indicators can be used to identify and concretise change requirements, to support decision-making and implementation of decisions and to assess changes made.

The key indicators, selected in broad consultation with stakeholders, were grouped into three thematic entities, which outline the key issues of green growth:

1) Low-carbon economy and resource efficiency: combating climate change; a sustainable energy economy; and efficient use of materials.

2) Ecosystem services: sustainable use of commodities provided by nature, and environmental quality.

3) Economic opportunities and instruments: the economic opportunities provided by green growth and resource efficiency as well as the measures and instruments to fulfil them.

The intention is to utilise the key indicators particularly in the preparation of national programmes and strategies and in monitoring their implementation, such as in national sustainable development work, in boosting the circular economy, bioeconomy and cleantech, and in the Ministry of the Environment’s green economy programme. They are also applicable to the development of the OECD’s conceptual framework for Green Growth Indicators and to the monitoring and renewal of the European Union’s strategies aimed at supporting green growth.

In boosting green growth, it is essential that industry and consumption are renewed in a way that facilitates development towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient society that safeguards the vitality of ecosystems. The indicators developed in the study will also support the greening of business, sustainable consumption and the sustainable use of natural resources.

The study was conducted by the Finnish Environment Institute, the Natural Resources Institute Finland, Ramboll Oy, the University of Oulu, Statistics Finland and Motiva as part of the Government’s 2014 plan for analysis, assessment and research.

The key indicators are concisely presented in a policy brief publication and explained in more detail in the project’s final report (in Finnish)

Further information on the Government’s Analysis, Assessment and Research Activities is available on the website

Inquiries: Professor Jyri Seppälä, Project Leader, Finnish Environment Institute, tel. +358 40 740 1708, [email protected], Councellor Merja Saarnilehto, Chair of Steering Group, Ministry of the Environment, tel. +358 295 250 259, [email protected]