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The remodelled government website has been opened

Government Communications Department
Publication date 15.1.2015 18.54
Press release

The revamped government website was opened on 15 January 2015. Development work will continue throughout the spring with the introduction of new features and services.

The reform makes part of a project during which all Finnish ministries will adopt a common model and technical solution for government web communications.

The website of the Prime Minister's Office was opened in the same connection. It has also been revamped in line with the model for government web communications. 

More information on the service is available at here

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Reform continues

Work on the government website will continue throughout the spring. The full integration of the search functions on previous governments and ministries will be accomplished in February.

In the future, material on decisions made by government plenary session will, as a rule, be made available through the open web service. Follow-up to Government Programme and related open data provision and data visualisation will be developed in line with efforts to develop the state governance framework.

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