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The UN Human Resources Directors meet for the first time in Finland

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 1.12.2016 14.30
Press release

Press release 225/2016
1 December 2016

In cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will organise an international human resources event which will bring together over 200 representatives of the UN, the EU and financial institutions at the House of the Estates on 8 to 9 December 2016. The Career Development Roundtable (CDR) days are the largest event in the field. It will be organised for the first time in Finland.

Hosting such an HR event gives Finland a valuable opportunity to create contacts and support recruitment of Finnish citizens by international organisations. One of the key note speakers is Ms Laura Londén, Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director for Management of the UNFPA, who is currently holding the highest office among Finnish women in the UN. UN representatives also includes Ms Fiona Bourdin-Farrell, Director of Human Resources at UN Women which promotes gender equality worldwide. This is an important area for Finland, a major supporter of UN Women.

The two day event for the HR Directors consists of a main session and workshops that deal with international careers, recruitment by international organisations and leadership and promoting well-being at work in the changing world from different angles. The theme is Workplace of the Future: Positive Leadership, Inclusiveness and Quest for Well-being.

Organised by Contact Forum Finland, there will be a recruitment event at Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre, prior to the HR event on 7.12. in which a number of the organisations will participate. The event which targets job-seekers with graduate degrees is expected to draw more than 5000 visitors. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is one of the cooperation partners of the recruitment event.

While the CDR is an internal event it also provides an opportunity for media representatives to interview UN directors for example about requirements in international careers and Finnish strengths in the world organisation. Senior Adviser Kirsti Westphalen who is responsible for international recruitment will answer questions on behalf of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Inquiries and interview requests (Fiona Bourdin-Farrell, Laura Londén) not later than 5.12. by 4 p.m. preferably by e-mail: desk officer Katharina Bäckman, tel. +358 295 351 482.

Kirsti Westphalen, tel. +358 295 352 029, Johanna Karanko, Director, Unit for UN Development Affairs, tel. +358 295 350 712.

The Foreign Ministry's email addresses are in the format [email protected].
twitter: @OfficialCDR2016