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The UN is reforming its peace operations – Finland’s contribution to mediation brings the UN Panel to Helsinki

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 23.2.2015 12.02
Press release 57/2015

The High-level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations led by former President José Ramos-Horta of Timor-Leste will visit Helsinki on 23–24 February. The UN Group of Friends of Mediation and international experts will also participate in the workshop on conflict prevention and mediation. During his visit President Ramos-Horta will meet President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö, Minister for Foreign Affairs Erkki Tuomioja and President Martti Ahtisaari.

The task of the Panel appointed by the UN Secretary-General is to compile recommendations for reforming the UN’s peacekeeping and mediation operations. “I am glad that the Ramos-Horta Panel wants to hold a meeting in Finland. This is again a strong indication that Finland’s contribution to the development of mediation is valued,” says Foreign Minister Tuomioja.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed the high-level panel of experts to prepare an assessment report on the UN’s peace operations in the autumn of 2014. The review now launched is broader, and aside from peacekeeping it also encompasses the UN’s political operations and mediation. The main goal of the review process is to strengthen ways for the UN and the international community to prevent conflicts, safeguard peace and resolve armed conflicts. The last such review took place in 2000, when UN peacekeeping operations were reformed on the basis of the so-called Brahimi Report.

In the review, Finland has influence especially in strengthening the position of mediation in UN peace operations. Finland also taps its traditionally strong peacekeeping expertise in order to reform UN peacekeeping operations and strives to strengthen the role of women in conflict resolution.

The members of the Group of Friends of Mediation led by Finland and Turkey, as well as leaders and experts of international mediation organizations and Finnish mediation actors have been invited to the workshop arranged in Helsinki by the High-level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations. Foreign Minister Tuomioja will participate in the workshop programme.

In conjunction with the workshop of the Ramos-Horta Panel, a capital city representatives meeting of the UN Group of Friends of Mediation will be held in Helsinki on 25 February.

Additional information: Unit for UN and General Global Affairs, Director Katri Viinikka, tel. +358 295 351 244, and Counsellor Emmi Oikari, tel. +358 295 351 735.

Erkki Tuomioja