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Prime Minister's Office and Motiva join forces to promote culture of experimentation

Government Communications Department
Publication date 8.11.2017 15.02
Press release 507/2017

Promoting piloting and experimenting is one of the key projects of Prime Minister Juha Sipilä's Government. The Prime Minister’s Office has created a ‘Place to Experiment’ platform in collaboration with the Finnish experimental community. The Prime Minister's Office and Motiva will now work together to develop ways and means to promote piloting and experimenting.

The Prime Minister’s Office aims to dismantle administrative barriers to new approaches and to speed up process of taking new solutions into use in practice. The Place to Experiment  ( is a platform for presenting new and innovative solutions to help advance society and different services, and thereby promoting sustainable wellbeing.

”What we’re looking for is flexibility and effectiveness as operations expand”, says Taina Kulmala, Head of the Government Policy Analysis Unit.

The Government's central themes include circular economy, artificial intelligence, and employment. A call for applications for circular economy projects was carried out in the summer, and experimenting is now under way. The Place to Experiment can be adapted to many other themes as well.

Working in collaboration with Motiva is a natural step to take in further promoting the culture of experimentation. The number of ideas and users of the platform is increasing all the time.

“At Motiva, we are keen to accelerate sustainable development. Close cooperation with the Prime Minister’s Office in promoting experimenting and its practical implementation fits well with our business concept. We will cooperate with the Experimental Finland team at the Prime Minister’s Office so that we can put the culture of experimentation into practice,” says Managing Director Hille Hyytiä.

Motiva is a state-owned expert company, whose mission is to accelerate sustainable change. Motiva carries out projects that have an impact on society mainly in cooperation with a number of different parties. Its principal clients are the public administration, ministries and government agencies. 

Inquiries: Ira Alanko, Project Manager, Prime Minister's Office, tel. +358 295 960 028, ira.alanko(at) , Hille Hyytiä, Managing Director, Motiva, tel. +358 40 724 4600, hille.hyytia(at)