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Minister for Foreign Affairs Soini: A stable and dynamic Arctic region is in the interest of the Finns

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 19.9.2016 12.00
Press release

Press release 173/2016
19 September 2016

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Arctic Council. To celebrate the anniversary, the Foreign Ministers of the eight Arctic countries have issued a joint statement, where they emphasise the Arctic Council's achievements and pledge their support for the continued success of their cooperation. Finland supports measures that strengthen the Arctic cooperation and, during its forthcoming Chairmanship of the Arctic Council, will intensify efforts to find common solutions for sustainable development in the Arctic region. It also intends to reinforce Arctic cooperation at the highest political level.

Over the past twenty years, the Arctic Council has made valuable contributions that support environmental protection and sustainable development. The wellbeing of the Arctic indigenous people and other inhabitants has been one of its main priorities. The indigenous peoples' participation in the Council's work is unique and has, for its part, played a major role in the success of the work.

"Finland promotes constructive cooperation, because a stable and dynamic Arctic region is in the interest of the Finns," Foreign Minister Timo Soini says.

Finland will assume its two-year Chairmanship of the Arctic Council in May 2017. During the upcoming two years, Finland will emphasise the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Arctic cooperation. The Chairmanship will provide Finland with a good opportunity to strengthen its country image and to promote further awareness of Finnish Arctic expertise.

Inquiries: Riikka Taivassalo, Special Adviser to the Foreign Minister, tel. +358 46 923 4581 and Aleksi Härkönen, Ambassador for Arctic Affairs, tel. +358 50 462 4471.

The Foreign Ministry's email addresses are in the format [email protected].

Timo Soini