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Antti Kaikkonen returns to his post as Minister of Defence

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry of Defence
Publication date 28.2.2023 11.20
Press release 97/2023
Minister of Defence Kaikkonen

On Tuesday 28 February, the President of the Republic reappointed Member of Parliament Antti Kaikkonen to serve as Minister of Defence. The President also released Mikko Savola from his duties as Minister of Defence and as a member of the Government.

Antti Kaikkonen is returning to the Government from parental leave.

Following the presidential session, the Government plenary session made decisions on changes to the ministerial portfolios, deputising arrangements and the composition of the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy.

Satu Mäki-Lassila was appointed to continue as State Secretary to the Centre Party ministerial group.

Inquiries: Timo Lankinen, Permanent State Under-Secretary, tel. +358 295 160 300, Prime Minister's Office