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Emilia Laaksonen to return as Special Adviser to Minister of the Interior Mikkonen

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 21.2.2023 15.57
Press release

Oikeustieteen maisteri Emilia Laaksonen on palannut vanhempainvapaalta sisäministeri Krista Mikkosen erityisavustajaksi maanantaina 20.2.2023. 

Emilia Laaksonen, Master of Laws, has returned from parental leave as Special Adviser to Minister of the Interior Krista Mikkonen on Monday 20 February 2023. 

Special Adviser Jukka Vornanen will transfer to new duties outside the Ministry. The responsibility for matters related to the police and border security will be transferred from Vornanen to Laaksonen. 

Tiina Kivinen, who is responsible for matters related to migration, intelligence and EU and international affairs, and Mikko Jalo, who is responsible for communications and media relations, rescue services and emergency response centre operations, will continue as Special Advisers and Akseli Koskela as State Secretary to the Minister of the Interior.

Emilia Laaksonen, Special Adviser to the Minister of the Interior, tel. +358 50 328 4982, [email protected]