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EU publishes initiatives on climate-neutral technologies and increased European self-sufficiency

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 17.3.2023 15.21 | Published in English on 20.3.2023 at 16.22
Press release

On 16 March 2023, the Commission issued legislative proposals to promote climate neutral “net zero technologies” and the availability of critical raw materials. Both proposals aim to speed up the green transition and strengthen the EU’s self-sufficiency. Technologies that accelerate the green transition are at the heart of global technological competition. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will organise a consultation on the proposals for stakeholders on 28 March 2023.

On 16 March 2023, the European Commission published a legislative proposal on the promotion of so-called “net zero technologies” that are climate neutral. The EU-level regulation aims to simplify the regulatory framework on the production capacity of technologies and products that play a key role in helping the Union achieve its climate neutrality targets and in ensuring the sustainability of a carbon-free energy system.  

Through the proposal, the Commission wants to offer the European industry the technology it needs to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Another objective is to provide citizens clean, affordable and safe energy and to reduce dependency on third-country production. The proposal would support the manufacturing of key technologies and set quantitative EU-level targets for them by 2030. 

Including nuclear power technology in the Commission’s proposal has been a key issue in Finland’s influencing efforts. The transition to a climate neutral economy requires investments in nuclear power, and nuclear technology should have a level playing field with other technologies in measures concerning a sustainable and safe European energy system.  

On the same day, the Commission also published an initiative on critical raw materials that aims to promote the availability of critical and strategic raw materials needed by the EU and to diversify supply chains. The measures proposed by the Commission would increase the production, processing and recycling of these raw materials. Various proactive measures would be taken to improve the resilience of industry. 

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment organises a stakeholder event on the Commission’s proposals

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is responsible for preparing the proposals in Finland. The standard preparation procedure will be followed when formulating Finland’s position on the Commission’s proposals. A broad range of stakeholders and authorities will be consulted during the preparation process. The Government and Parliament will jointly decide on Finland’s position.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will organise a stakeholder consultation on the Commission’s proposals on Tuesday 28 March 2023 at 14.30-16.10. Please use the link below to register for the consultation by 27 March.

Anita Silanterä, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7256
Riikka Aaltonen, Senior Adviser, Mineral Policy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 064 216