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Prime Minister Marin to visit Germany

Government Communications Department
Publication date 22.10.2021 13.42
Press release 613/2021

Prime Minister Sanna Marin will visit Berlin on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 October.

Prime Minister Marin will meet with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday and with Federal Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday. 

Also on Tuesday 26 October, Prime Minister Marin will attend the World Health Summit held annually in Berlin. The high-level meeting will be attended by several Member States of the World Health Organization, international organisations, civil society organisations, academic institutions and private sector operators. Prime Minister Marin will deliver the opening speech at the closing session of the summit. The theme of her speech will be the economy of wellbeing. The discussions will be streamed live on the event website.

In connection with her visit, Prime Minister Marin will also have a bilateral meeting with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Inquiries: Lauri Voionmaa, Special Adviser (International Affairs), tel. +358 295 160 306, and Päivi Paasikoski, Director of Government Communications, Prime Minister’s Office, tel. +358 295 160 136, Prime Minister’s Office