Healthcare professionals to meet returning Finnish tourists at Helsinki Airport

Over the next few days, a large number of Finnish tourists returning from different parts of the world will be arriving in Finland on repatriation flights. To minimise the risk of coronavirus in-fection, returning passengers will be given instructions at the airport.
The Border Guard will distribute instructions to everyone arriving in Finland directing them to a two-week home quarantine. Passengers arriving at the airport will receive guidance in the form of announcements and informative brochures on the coronavirus, mitigation measures and treatment. The instructions also advise passengers to maintain a safe distance from other people and avoid close contact.
Upon landing at the airport, passengers will be greeted by healthcare professionals who will guide and advise them personally. The Finnish Red Cross (SPR) is supporting healthcare professionals in receiving passengers and providing guidance.
The healthcare professionals and SPR volunteers will work in two shifts, so there are always skilled people available to assist in health-related matters.
Due to the large number of incoming tourists, particular attention has been paid to the movement of returning tourists at and around the airport.
At the airport, Finavia will instruct returning tourists to maintain a safe distance of at least one metre in line with the instructions of the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Passengers will be provided with waiting areas in front of border checks, where they can wait before moving to the border check counter. This way, passengers can maintain a safe distance from one another, which would not be possible in a tight queue.
The number of passengers arriving at a time will be limited using airport buses, which will bring passengers from the aircraft to the terminal.
Announcements at the airport will provide guidance to passengers on how to proceed with their journey home. Passengers arriving on international flights are urged to avoid public transport in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. People already placed under quarantine at the border must refrain from using public transport as far as possible and must follow the instructions they receive.
Inquiries: Finavia Communications