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Press release by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and the Social Insurance Institution of Finland
All three types of EU Digital COVID Certificate now available in My Kanta Pages

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 14.7.2021 9.00
Press release 202/2021

The EU Digital COVID Certificate, which is available in the My Kanta Pages, will also include a test certificate and a certificate of recovery as of 14 July. The EU COVID-19 vaccination certificate has been available in the My Kanta Pages since 22 June.

Save certificate on your mobile device or print it out

How to get your certificate from the My Kanta Pages:

  1. Log on to your My Kanta Pages at using the identification token of your choice, such as online banking codes or mobile certificate.
  2. Select ‘Koronatodistus’ (COVID-19 certificate) from the left-hand menu. There is also a direct link to the certificate section on the front page of the My Kanta Pages.
  3. Click on the pdf link to open the COVID-19 certificate. If you have a certificate, it will open in a new tab.
  4. Save the pdf file on your mobile phone or other device. You can also print it out on paper.

All three types of the EU Digital COVID Certificate can be used when crossing borders within the EU. The aim is to facilitate safe and free movement. Each EU Member State can decide for itself on other uses of the certificate.

The information in the EU Digital COVID Certificates issued by Finland is in three languages, Finnish, Swedish and English. The certificate contains a QR code which can be used to verify the content and authenticity of the certificate. All EU certificates are free of charge.

Paper certificates also available from healthcare providers if necessary

Travellers must download the certificate from the My Kanta Pages before travelling. Efforts continue to be made to avoid a burden on the healthcare system. For this reason, people are advised to use primarily the My Kanta Pages. The My Kanta Pages customer service provides general advice on the COVID-19 certificates and helps with technical problems, but they cannot correct the information included in the certificate.

If a person is unable to get the certificate from the My Kanta Pages, they must contact their healthcare provider and request a certificate in printed form. Persons who do not have access to their My Kanta Pages or cannot for some reason authorise another person to use it on their behalf may obtain a paper version of the certificate from their healthcare provider.

A paper version of the EU Digital COVID Certificate will be available from some healthcare providers from 15 July onwards. The aim is for all public healthcare providers to be able to issue a paper version of the EU Digital COVID Certificate by mid-August. If a person is not yet able to get a paper version of the EU Digital COVID Certificate from their healthcare provider, they will be issued with a similar certificate that contains the corresponding information.

At the end of August, people who have been either vaccinated against or tested for COVID-19 in Finland but who do not have a Finnish personal identity code can get a certificate from their healthcare providers that meets the EU requirements. Until then, healthcare providers can issue people with a similar certificate that contains the corresponding information.

Travellers must check requirements of their destination country

Before travelling, it is important to find out which EU Digital COVID Certificate is needed to cross the border of your destination country. An EU COVID-19 vaccination certificate may be sufficient. Before travelling, you should also check the COVID-19 situation in your destination and, before returning home, you should check the situation in Finland and take care to follow the latest recommendations. The Re-open EU website ( compiles information on travel instructions and restrictions in place in the EU Member States.

COVID-19 tests carried out for the purpose of travelling abroad are administered by private healthcare providers. These COVID-19 tests are subject to a fee. The EU COVID-19 test certificate will appear in the My Kanta Pages regardless of whether your test was carried out by a private or public healthcare provider. Tests undergone upon return to Finland are administered by public healthcare services and are therefore free of charge. Please book your return test in advance using the FINENTRY service, for example.

Exercise special caution when travelling in general. The COVID-19 situation in different countries and regions may change abruptly.

Vaccines administered and tests conducted abroad

The EU Digital COVID Certificate is issued by the country where the vaccine was administered. EU Member States must also issue the certificate retrospectively. In Finland, a certificate of COVID-19 vaccination can be issued only if the vaccine products were administered in Finland and they are in use in Finland.

Negative test results are valid for a short period of time. Because of this, it is not worth asking for these results from abroad but to take a new test in Finland if necessary. If a person had the COVID-19 disease abroad, a certificate of recovery from COVID-19 must be requested from the country where the test indicating a positive result was taken.

Further information

Inquiries from the public about COVID-19 certificates in the My Kanta Pages

General advice

  • My Kanta Pages customer service: [email protected]
  • Note: The customer service for the My Kanta Pages cannot check or correct people’s personal health data. In such cases, please contact the healthcare unit that treated you.

Errors or shortcomings in COVID-19 certificates:

  • Healthcare services: the organisation that administered the vaccine or conducted the COVID-19 test

Certificate requirements of foreign countries and the certificate practices of ship operators and airlines:

  • the COVID-19 websites of the destination country or the website and customer service channels of the ship operator or airline
  • Re-open EU (

More information for the media

We ask the media to contact the centralised communications channels of organisations according to the following division of responsibilities:

Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela): [email protected]
My Kanta Pages and the issuing of COVID-19 certificates in the My Kanta Pages

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare: [email protected]
National Vaccination Register maintained by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, registering by professionals, regional coverage of information, operating models in healthcare, vaccines administered abroad, paper certificates, validator app

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health: [email protected]
funding of the COVID-19 certificate, overall plan, technical specifications, legal issues, EU preparation, uses of the certificate, certificates as part of entry into the country, prevention of COVID-19 in cross-border traffic, model for entry into the country, practices in other countries, Communicable Diseases Act, government proposal on mandatory health checks at borders