Government submits legislative proposal to Parliament to prevent spread of COVID-19 to Finland from abroad 

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 18.6.2021 16.38 | Published in English on 18.6.2021 at 16.56
Press release 174/2021

The Government proposes a number of temporary amendments to the Communicable Diseases Act. The aim of the proposed amendments is to prevent COVID-19 infections contracted abroad from spreading to Finland. 

People arriving in Finland would be required to present a certificate of recovery from COVID-19, a certificate of a completed COVID-19 vaccination series or a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test taken before arrival in Finland.

If persons arriving in Finland could not present a COVID-19 certificate, they should get tested as soon as they arrive in Finland. Those who have not received their full vaccination series or had a COVID-19 infection should take a second test within 3–5 days after arriving in Finland. The section on a second test would remain in force until 15 October 2021. 

The obligation to present a certificate or take a test would apply to people over 16 years of age. The amended Act would also specify the exceptional categories of people who would not be subject to this obligation. 

The Communicable Diseases Act would make it punishable to not take the required COVID-19 tests. 

The regulation on executive assistance would also be complemented. The police and Customs could provide executive assistance in ensuring compliance with the prohibition to leave, for example, the airport, stopping a vehicle and directing traffic. 

The Government proposed on Friday 18 June that new temporary provisions, namely sections 16a–16g, 87a and 89a, be added to the Communicable Diseases Act. The amendments are scheduled to enter into force as soon as possible, and they would remain in force until 31 December 2021.

European countries have put in place various measures to prevent the spread of infections across borders. Such measures include quarantine, testing and vaccination requirements for travellers. For more information on the various measures in place in different countries, please visit the official website of the European Union at


Taneli Puumalainen, Director General, [email protected]
Liisa Katajamäki, Senior Ministerial Adviser, [email protected]
Maija Neva, Senior Specialist, [email protected]
Mirka-Tuulia Kuoksa, Legal Adviser, [email protected]
Paula Tiittala, Senior Medical Officer, [email protected]