Restrictions on opening hours of food and beverage service businesses in several regions

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 22.7.2021 14.18 | Published in English on 22.7.2021 at 14.49
Press release
Ihmisiä terassilla

The Government has amended the decree restricting the activities of food and beverage service businesses due to the COVID-19 epidemic. The amended decree will enter into force on 24 July 2021. In line with the decree, restrictions on the opening and licensing hours of food and beverage service businesses will be in force in the following regions where the epidemic is in the acceleration phase: Kymenlaakso, Pirkanmaa, Päijät-Häme, Uusimaa and Southwest Finland. In these regions, food and beverage service businesses may serve alcoholic beverages between 7.00 and 00.00 and may be open between 5.00 and 1.00.

Restaurants that primarily serve alcoholic beverages may have half the normal number of customer seats in use in indoor premises. Other restaurants may seat 75 per cent of their normal number of customers inside their establishments. As before, all customers must have their own seat by a table or counter when indoors. The number of customer seats on outdoor terraces is not limited. 

The obligations to observe the general hygiene guidelines and to keep a safe distance apply in areas where the epidemic is at a stable level and in the acceleration phase.

The restrictions laid down in the decree do not apply to the activities of staff restaurants or to takeaway sales of food to customers. The restrictions on opening hours do not apply to food and beverage service businesses on vessels and aircraft that operate between Finland and other countries or abroad or to food and beverage service businesses that operate at distribution stations for liquid fuels.

Restrictions on food and beverage service businesses in the regions of Åland, South Ostrobothnia, Kainuu, North Ostrobothnia, Central Ostrobothnia, North Savo, North Karelia, Central Finland, South Savo, Ostrobothnia, Satakunta, South Karelia, Kanta-Häme and Lapland from 24 July: no separate restrictions on the number of customers or licensing and opening hours.

The regional epidemic situation will be reviewed over the course of next week. If the situation deteriorates, the restrictions on the opening hours of food and beverage service businesses may be further extended.


Taneli Puumalainen, Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, [email protected]i