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World of work is changing - New policy for the work environment and wellbeing at work published

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 15.3.2019 12.00
News item

Working life, the contents of work, the ways and forms of working as well as Finland’s workforce are undergoing a transformation. The new policy for the work environment and wellbeing at work, published by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, aims at fostering healthy and safe work at all workplaces regardless of the form of employment. The policy specifies the strategy of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

What working life is like and how those involved in it are doing affect the welfare of individuals, the productivity and competitiveness of organisations, and the social sustainability of society.

The policy guides the activities of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and its administrative sector when dealing with working life questions – but we also need broad-based cooperation to achieve the goals. The policy and the related action plan were prepared together with institutions in the Ministry’s administrative sector, labour market organisations and other cooperation partners. The policy pays particular attention to prevention, including good planning of the work and work environment as well as early consideration of factors affecting both occupational safety and health matters and the person’s work ability. The policy also emphasises the resource factors of work.

In a changing world of work, management of work ability and wellbeing at work plays a key role. The policy for the work environment and wellbeing at work aims at extending the duration of careers and allowing people to continue in their work for longer than currently.

In practice, this requires a seamless transition to working life among young people, no long interruptions in the middle of careers caused by disability, and no premature ends to careers due to disability. Key conditions for extending careers include improving people’s ability, willingness and possibilities to work and allowing everyone to utilise their work ability.

The goal is that occupational health and safety issues will be integrated into the strategic management of an organisation. It is also important that each person transitioning into and involved in working life, whether as an employer, employee or entrepreneur, will have sufficient competence in occupational health and safety.

In Finland, long-term efforts have been put in occupational safety and the healthiness of working conditions. In the changing working life, it is still necessary to make efforts to reduce occupational accidents and diseases, other work-related diseases and harmful strain.  


Riitta Sauni, Senior Ministerial Adviser +358 295 163 147, [email protected] 
Liisa Hakala, Director +358 295 163 566, [email protected]