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EU home affairs ministers discuss counter-terrorism and reform of migration policy

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 12.11.2020 15.44 | Published in English on 16.11.2020 at 15.46
Press release 143/2020

An informal meeting of EU home affairs ministers will be held via video conference on Friday 13 November. The topics on the agenda are the fight against terrorism and the reform of migration and asylum policy. Finland is represented by Minister of the Interior Maria Ohisalo. 

The ministers will discuss the fight against terrorism, following the recent terrorist attacks. It is important that EU countries act with unity and determination in their efforts to combat terrorism and to prevent violent extremism. 

“We must tackle terrorism and violent extremism regardless of the underlying ideologies. The measures must respect freedom of expression and protection of privacy, while at the same time responding to the changing security environment. For example, the coronavirus situation may increase the risk of radicalisation. We must combat social exclusion, and ensure that all people feel that they are part of this society and they have faith that they can make a difference in society without violence,” says Minister Ohisalo. 

Discussion on migration supports preparation for political agreement

The meeting will continue the discussion on the reform of the EU's migration and asylum policy. The first ministerial level discussion on the reform package was held at the previous video conference of the home affairs ministers on 8 October. 

The German Presidency aims to reach a political agreement on the key issues of the reform by the December Justice and Home Affairs Council. The purpose of this discussion is to support the preparation for a political agreement.

“It is important that we find a European solution to migration issues that will respect fundamental and human rights in all situations. In the coming negotiations, everyone’s will and commitment are needed. Finland will actively work in the negotiations to achieve a well-functioning common system,” says Minister Ohisalo.

Laura Yli-Vakkuri, Director General, tel. +358 40 720 2216, [email protected]
Sameli Sivonen, Special Adviser to the Minister, tel. +358 50 406 6855, [email protected]