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Government allocates EUR 33 million for regional development and future structural change measures

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 24.3.2022 14.17
Press release

The Government has granted regional councils, which serve as regional development authorities, a total of EUR 33 million for regional development and promotion of contractual cooperation between the central government and regions. The funding is also intended for measures that improve the resilience of regions in the changing operating environment and in anticipation of future structural changes.

EUR 16 million for regional development priorities agreed by central government and regions

The central government and regions held regional development discussions between 1 and 17 February 2022. After the discussions, cooperation documents were drawn up with each region, based on which the Government granted regional councils a total of EUR 16 million in national regional development appropriations for the agreed priorities.

The discussions with 18 regions provided the Government a comprehensive overview of the outlook for regional development. The discussions highlighted the diversity and distinctive nature of the regions, while also exploring the themes that are common to them.

The availability of skilled labour and regional mobility are key challenges affecting regional development throughout Finland, and solutions to them were sought with all regions. Other cross-administrative themes included climate change mitigation and adaptation, green transition, bioeconomy and circular economy, acceleration of RDI activities, promotion of wellbeing and prevention of inequality. 

“The common goals are to increase the number of skilled workers and boost the green transition, both nationally and regionally. This funding will help turn the goals into concrete actions,” says Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä.

The cooperation documents from the discussions are available on the website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

EUR 16.3 million for regional development, change capabilities and future structural changes 

The Government allocated EUR 10 million to regional councils to increase the flexibility of regions facing changes and to respond to their reform needs, including the renewal of business and industry and smart adaptation.

In addition, the Government allocated a total of EUR 6.3 million to regional councils for the independent development of regions. Regional councils will decide how to spend the appropriation for independent development. However, the funding will be allocated to projects that promote the Government’s decision on regional development and the implementation of regional strategic programmes. 

Regional councils will open calls for project funding applications. 

In addition, the Government authorised the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment to decide on the use of EUR 700,000 for the development and access to national regional data and to support national regional development cooperation. 

Mikko Härkönen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 889 
Petra Stenfors, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel.  + 358 295 047 282