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Sari Nikkola to head Työkanava from 1 September

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 16.6.2022 10.00
Press release
Sari Nikkola, Työkanava Oy:n toimitusjohtaja 1.9.2022 lukien.
Sari Nikkola

The board of directors of Työkanava Oy has appointed Sari Nikkola as the company’s chief executive. She will start in the position on 1 September 2022.

Nikkola currently works as Director of the Kontti second hand stores at the Finnish Red Cross. Prior to that, she held various management positions at Fazer Group, SOK and Neste Oil. Nikkola holds a Master’s degree in Food Sciences and an eMBA in Social and Healthcare Leadership and Management.

Työkanava is a new, wholly state-owned special assignment company that employs people with impaired capacity to work who are in the most difficult position. The company’s objective is to improve their labour market skills and other competences so that as many of them as possible would be able to transition from Työkanava to the open labour market. 

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is in charge of Työkanava’s ownership steering.

 “As part of its employment measures, the Government invests in the employment of people with impaired work capacity. Työkanava gives the people who want to work but are difficult to employ a chance to find work based on their capabilities. This is not only important for the people in question, but also for society as a whole,” says Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen, who is responsible for Työkanava at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

The Act on Työkanava will enter into force on 1 July. Following the appointment of the chief executive, the company’s operations will begin in stages during the year. According to estimates, the first people with impaired work capacity would be employed by Työkanava at the end of the year. 

 “Työkanava’s chief executive plays an important role in launching the new company and in creating a good atmosphere for the diverse work community. She is also largely responsible for building trust-based cooperation with the company’s customers and other intermediate labour market actors. The board trusts that Sari Nikkola is a good choice for the position,” says Elina Pylkkänen, Under-Secretary of State and Chair of Työkanava Oy’s board.

A total of 88 candidates applied for the post of chief executive at Työkanava.  

The establishment of Työkanava is related to the aim of the Government of Prime Minister Sanna Marin to promote the employment of people with impaired capacity to work and to develop the intermediate job market in a new way. Työkanava is one of the measures of the Government’s working capacity programme in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.


Iiris Niinikoski, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment, tel. +358 295 047 372
Elina Pylkkänen, Under-Secretary of State, Chair of the board of directors of Työkanava, tel. +358 295 047 474
Pirjo Larm, Project Manager, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 224