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Finland Pavilion presents solutions to mitigate climate change at Dubai Climate Conference

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 9.11.2023 11.00
News item

For the first time, Finland will have a pavilion of its own at the UN Climate Change Conference, COP28. Finland Pavilion will showcase current perspectives on climate change mitigation and adaptation on the global scale and present clean energy innovations and solutions developed in Finland.

Photo: Johanna Riihimaa

The UN Climate Change Conference COP28 will take place in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates from 30 November until 12 December 2023. Besides the actual negotiations, COP28 will bring together tens of thousands of participants to discuss the impacts and challenges of climate change, and the economic opportunities created by the clean transition. 

The key themes of the conference are emission reductions on the global scale, climate change adaptation and climate finance, as well as financing arrangements for climate loss and damage. The agenda also includes the first Global Stocktake (GST) of the Paris Agreement to assess the implementation of the Agreement and achievement of the climate targets. 

Finland as partner in climate change mitigation

Finland Pavilion will open on 1 December. The program includes international and Finnish presentations on preparation for and adaptation to climate change and on the circular economy. All discussions will be webcast live on Finland Pavilion’s website. 

Among the topics of the panel discussions are the links between digitalisation and climate. Many clean energy technologies, including 5G networks, will lead to a soaring demand for metals and minerals within the next few years. Representatives of Finnish companies together with their international partners will speak about how a circular economy can help utilise raw materials in a way that is sustainable. The Pavilion will also present early warning systems the companies have developed for extreme weather events such as hurricanes and floods. 

Finland Pavilion will be hosted by Business Finland that provides funding and services to companies to promote internationalisation, with Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC), Finland Chamber of Commerce and Confederation of Finnish Industries as its partners.

Approximately 20 Finnish companies contribute to the Pavilion’s program, including Nokia, Outokumpu, Stora Enso and Kone. Besides these, other parties such as the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, civil society organisations and representatives of Government ministries will be present as well. 

The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Finland in Abu Dhabi have taken an active part in the preparations. 

Additional information

Programme of the Finland Pavilion 1–12 December 

Website of the Dubai Climate Change Conference